Graduate school is an academic research institution established at the top of the undergraduate program and a higher education institution that trains researchers and professionals. There are graduate schools in universities and colleges, and specialized graduate schools such as business schools, administrative schools, interpretation schools, and environmental schools. Depending on where the graduate school and the undergraduate department are located, it can be divided into graduate-centered universities and undergraduate-centered universities. Graduate students are divided into Graduate school research based and Professional school education based students. General graduate schools focus on research students. Usually, students are graduating with thesis writing and screening and award a master's degree. Professional and special graduate schools focus on students who take classes. Unlike general graduate schools, you can get a master's degree without having to write a thesis.
※ Other
Graduate school is required to graduate from a college undergraduate program (with a bachelor's degree). The cost incurred for one year of language training is 20,000,000 won (Korean currency)/year (school + living expenses). Scholarships can be received according to Korean language skills when entering graduate school
Name of Bank : 국민은행 KOOKMIN BANK
Bank Account : 920301-01-681688
After the deposit is completed, the school will send the deposit receipt trough Email. You need to deposit the exact amount, and if you don't have enough money, you won't be able to apply for admission. Over-deposit is not limited, so please check the amount when you make a deposit.
Address | 160 Hyanggyo-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon-si,
Email |
Tel | 070-4221-5701 Fax | 0504-447-7832
ⓒ 2021. theseesaw All rights reserved.
Tuition Payment Information
Name of Bank : 국민은행 KOOKMIN BANK
Bank Account : 920301-01-681688
After the deposit is completed, the school will send the deposit receipt trough Email. You need to deposit the exact amount, and if you don't have enough money, you won't be able to apply for admission. Over-deposit is not limited, so please check the amount when you make a deposit.
Company Name| (주)시소컴퍼니
Representative | Yun Chan, Kim ( 김윤찬 )
Address | 160 Hyanggyo-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do SEESAW COMPANY
Email |
Tel | 070-4221-5701
Fax | 0504-447-7832
Company Registration Number | 245-88-01274
개인정보 관리 책임자 | 안석현
통신판매업 허가번호 | 2020-수원팔달-0317
Hosting by (주)아임웹
ⓒ 2021. theseesaw All rights reserved.