Information sharing platfrom for foreigners living in Korea

The SEESAW platform is a service that aims to provide information on public institutions distributed in the Ministry of Labor, Korea Industrial Manpower Corporation, Hi Korea, and Danuri, and to help them continue through SEESAW from education to employment.

We will try to establish a virtuous circle that creates the value of a multicultural society of harmony and convergence by reducing the time of employment and life information acquisition for foreigners staying in Korea.

 Operating Philosophy

Like the identity of the Seesaw platform, we want to harmonize in our lives. We will create an environment that coexists rather than invading existing areas of beginning or pursuing change, and through this, we will build a society that grows together as well as improving awareness of multiculturalism.

 Corporate Vision

In the short term, it provides a total solution for living in Korea by providing multicultural universities such as providing hospital information that can guide foreigners or public agencies for workers or foreigners. In the long term, it will grow into a social platform that provides good influence to more people through global expansion, including services for foreigners living abroad as well as domestic ones.

Global SEESAW C & B

Korean, English education, online & off-line education, in & Outbound

Social Mission

Social problem

Even if foreigners want to acquire employment information, the means and methods are limited to Korean-tailored employment sites, so they cannot move up or get a job just by looking at their needs.


Providing foreigners with information necessary for employment and providing necessary education and social activities welfare services

Social Value

Improving the quality of life by sharing information of foreigners and improving the national image of foreigners

The Mission

Providing a sense of security in life by providing information on the lives of foreigners

Global SEESAW C & B

Korean, English education, online & off-line education, in & Outbound

Global Overseas Education

USA, Canada, England Europe passport, China, Japan,

Study abroad, Language training, University, Graduate School

Global Foreign Language Institute

English, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Other foreign language

Langli Education

English, Japanese, Chinese, University

Global Learning Campus

(Deoksung women’s University Middle-aged Campus Lifelong Childcare Center)

Foreign Language Competency, Hobbies/ Specialties, Professionals/ Certificates,

Management/ Office, Marketing/Sales, Second Life Design

mobile background
460, Samil-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul

더블클릭하여 내용 수정. 단락 구분(P 태그)은 Enter로,
줄 바꿈(BR 태그)은 Shift + Enter 로 사용할 수 있습니다.

Tuition Payment Information

Name of Bank : 국민은행 KOOKMIN BANK 

Bank Account : 920301-01-681688


After the deposit is completed, the school will send the deposit receipt trough Email. You need to deposit the exact amount, and if you don't have enough money, you won't be able to apply for admission. Over-deposit is not limited, so please check the amount when you make a deposit.

Address | 160 Hyanggyo-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon-si,


Email | chan@theseesaw.net

Tel | 070-4221-5701    Fax | 0504-447-7832

ⓒ 2021. theseesaw All rights reserved.

Tuition Payment Information

Name of Bank : 국민은행 KOOKMIN BANK 

Bank Account : 920301-01-681688


After the deposit is completed, the school will send the deposit receipt trough Email. You need to deposit the exact amount, and if you don't have enough money, you won't be able to apply for admission. Over-deposit is not limited, so please check the amount when you make a deposit.

Company Name| (주)시소컴퍼니 

Representative | Yun Chan, Kim ( 김윤찬 )

Address | 160 Hyanggyo-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do SEESAW COMPANY

Email | chan@theseesaw.kr

Tel | 070-4221-5701

Fax | 0504-447-7832

Company Registration Number | 245-88-01274 

개인정보 관리 책임자 | 안석현

통신판매업 허가번호 | 2020-수원팔달-0317

Hosting by (주)아임웹

ⓒ 2021. theseesaw All rights reserved.